latex em dash. If you’re using the proper font (Times New Roman 12), the three dashes will make a solid line. latex em dash

 If you’re using the proper font (Times New Roman 12), the three dashes will make a solid linelatex em dash  Logout

MWE: documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{scrbo. The problem with ---is that TeX adds an empty discretionary after a hyphen -or any ligature that ends with it. Long-hold the hyphen for access to the en dash and em dash with Gboard on Android or the default keyboard on iOS. Of course, you could write your own macro with own kerning etc. Insert the \hyphens using BBTs "raw inserts", which would look like 081401<pre>\hyphen</pre> 1--081401<pre>\hyphen</pre>4. Inserting an en-dash in Latex. Em dash —, in Windows, with the number keypad: Alt (hold)+ 0 1 5 1. This doesn’t work add LaTeX support to dcc. documentclass {article} egin {document} [. I am using pandoc to generate pdf document (through latex). 5), which must be loaded in the environment where figures are being rendered. The hyphen is half the size of the en dash. To typeset an em-dash in Latex, use triple hyphens: ‘-‏-‏-’: A comment---like this---uses an em-dash, not a hyphen. Ellett. For the minus sign use $-100$ (that is, a hyphen in math mode). TeX, LaTeX, and Bibtex are hard to use well. If you prefer, you can configure your keyboard in Windows to accept Unicode codepoint numbers, instead of "traditional". But there’s no such thing as a non-breaking em-dash (—) or en-dash (–). You could use tikz/pgf for this short in-text drawings (and even for the figures themselves, of course), although it could be considered overkill. I want to write three short dashes ---, but Latex automaticaly change it to one long dash (em-dash). The term “em dash” comes from the field of typography—an “em” is a width equivalent to the height of a given font. Alternatively, you can modify the labels of only certain levels with. LaTeX provides a default command to print this character in text mode, which is extbackslash. This is what is simply called dash. The babel package for Cyrillic defines the command "= which should be used instead of dash: so you can write по"=своєму and it will correctly hyphenate that word. Unlike parentheses, which tend to minimize, dashes tend to emphasize the set-off text (i. 2. Select the "More Symbols" option to get the full list of special characters. Sorry. Like the em dash, the en dash is typically available on your word processor’s symbol map, or it may even be inserted automatically by your word processor. Were Rear-ended The Three Dashes And When To Use Them. Write an em dash. The word-processing program may form this automatically when two hyphens are typed together. 1 Answer Sorted by: 21 You can use microtype: documentclass {article} usepackage [kerning=true] {microtype} SetExtraKerning {encoding = {OT1,T1,T2A,LY1,OT4,QX,T5,TS1,EU1,EU2}} % all text { extemdash =. Latex will automatically turn it into an en-dash. In HTML, you can. The example document. ch . The hyphen should be used every time a block of text is justified (i. (I cheated up above and just used a non-breaking hyphen for the time span. tfm` . LaTeX distinguishes three different types of dashes in text: the hyphen -, the en dash - and the em dash —. Hair space with em dash left — right No space with em dash left—right Computing applications Programming languages. There is no difference between the two in the output. The rho symbol is a popular symbol in physics that represents density. dash. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. ind file, which is read in directly with the printindex command. 0, output defaults to em-dashes, but setting longdash to false reverts back to hyphens: usepackage[style=mla,longdash=false]{biblatex} So you may want to tryNo. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}The Dash. The most common versions are the en dash –, generally longer than the hyphen but shorter than the minus sign; the em dash —, longer than either the en dash or the minus sign; and the horizontal bar ―, whose length varies. It should be noted that dashes are almost never required by the rules of grammar and punctuation. Late to the party, but I think this is actually the most elegant. 双重和三重的 em dash 相对少见,但也是正规的标点符号,可以介绍一下。. e. The em dash can be used to introduce dialogue — Like this? — Yes, like this. No package is required to print the Big Gamma Symbol in a Latex document, you just need to use Gamma, the default command of Latex. It is interesting to speculate how you would get an example of a verbatim environment into a document. E. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. The long dash is the widest of the three horizontal marks that may be used in the middle of a sentence. For example, to have "x-hat" displayed in the X-Label, do the following:TeX/LaTeX: Type a hyphen, -. cp `kpsewhich cmr10. While it looks fine in xdivk, it still looks quite ugly in the edit view: --- . Catherine Traffis. Latex command. Example. Inserting an em-dash in Word; 2. Navigate to Insert in the top menu bar, then Symbol. LaTeX. An "opening" em-dash must be followed by a non-breaking space, while a "closing" em-dash must be preceded by a non-breaking space. Solution for older releases. In British usage, we use only a single hyphen to. For instance, we could use em dashes in place of commas or parentheses: One of the twins—she couldn’t tell them apart—ran to greet her. The latex commands are: Hyphen: - En-dash: \textendash; Em-dash: \textemdash; With the latter two, you will likely want to append {}, because they swallow following space. vec {arg} command is used to denote vectors in latex and it’s a default command of latex. I’m new to Dash and am trying to see what options there are for rendering LaTeX code. e. Thus for example, to specify a range of page numbers, one would type on. In the references and in citations, I would like to separate author names with em dash. Symbol/Unicode. I am typesetting a book in Russian language and I noticed that, in some cases, an overfull box appears which cannot be solved via manual hyphenation or linebreak or even emergencystretch, because an em-dash is causing it. Hyphens are obtained in LaTeX by typing -, en-dashes by typing --and em-dashes by typing ---. To print this symbol next to the letter you need to use the sim command and use this command in Math mode of latex. On Windows, Alt + 0 1 5 1 on the Numpad creates an em dash. You. If you have styles that called for explicitly using a separator that wasn't an en dash, it'd be helpful. exe and xelatex. You can do several things. vpl. And you can use this command in either math mode or text mode. This time-honoured literary device is supported by LaTeX and in this help article we explain the main footnote-related commands and provide a range of examples to demonstrate their use. Load the babel package and use allowhyphens---. \documentclass {article} \begin {document} \ [ 1 = \lambda f. How can I add an emdash (---) after every item label in every description environment in my document?Is there a global way to override the layout of each item? This produces the desired effect, but I'm manually inserting the emdash after each item: documentclass{book} egin{document} egin{description} item[A] --- description. this method works just fine, the latex interpreter does not know how to process the leftarrow. The list of format characters that are escaped include space, (tab), – (en-dash), — (em-dash). hyphenating a rare usage is fine, but it should be done tactfully to avoid confusion. With respect to dashes, good math books have, at least, four kind of different symbols: a hyphen (-), an en-dash (–), an em-dash (—) and a minus sign. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ abla f = grad : extit {f. LogoutAppositives can also be set apart by parentheses or em dashes when they come at the end of a sentence. For example, Mr. On a Mac. ]. Late to the party, but I think this is actually the most elegant. The first is the width of the dash. The en and em dashes appear on the bottom row. Use the em dash to denote a break in a sentence: ‘He was running, Watson—running desperately’. You should be cautious about placing a hyphen before a suffix and avoid using a dictionary. 2-em dash 用来表示单词拼写不全,或名字的省略,或粗话的省略,或无法识别的字迹等。. The em dash “—” and the en dash “–” are the two most popular dash forms. The en dash is the width of an uppercase N — half the size of the em dash. — becomes em-dash —. Use the em dash to denote a break in a sentence: ‘He was running, Watson—running desperately’. e. Like commas and parentheses, em dashes set off extra information, such as examples, explanatory or descriptive phrases, or supplemental facts. This is what is simply called dash. em dash representation in an edit tab. On most mobile phones, you can long press the hypen. LuaLaTeX is not inserting em dashes unless there is space around the triple dash. There are two types of dash. You don’t need to use any package for. dash instead of author name in repeated refs Topic is solved. en dash: –. 如果整个单词都丢失了,2-em dash 的左右两侧都应留出空格,如果只有一部分丢失,那么在 2-em dash. The styles of biblatex-chicago do not know that option and do not allow you to turn the dash off easily. clause-per-line, inconsistent em-dash spaces: The food ---which was delicious. The em dash is a great way to make a sentence more interesting while adding clarity to topics that may otherwise be confusing; it also helps make the writing stand out from the rest. documentclass {beamer} usepackage {textcmds} egin {document} egin {frame} This is to test dashes X extendash rays are very powerful end {frame} end {document} If you want to insert dash within beamer slide, use package textcmds and include extendash where ever you want to display dash. The documentation states that if babelshorthands = true, then "--- is rendered as em dash. 1. Stefan. LaTex, for example, will typeset both. As a result, there will be no dots on the heads of i and j and that would look nice with the z unit vector. en-dash. )Latex command. 7. Type two hyphens with no space between them like–this. Running XeLaTeX in the hope it will print any Unicode character is not successful, as you experienced. An en dash is used to express ranges or clarify complex compound words. Type this sign on Mac, press and hold the Command (⌘) key and the hit the M key. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ sin heta,;cos heta,; an heta. Depending on the context, the en dash is read as “to” or “through. All the predefined mathematical symbols from the TeX package are listed below. The common “hyphen”. The em dash is the most beautiful punctuation mark, all the more because it is rare --- and it is best kept that way. Replace triple hyphen with em-dash? The em-dash is too long for German typographic conventions. You can define it as follows. For instance, we could use em dashes in place of commas or parentheses: One of the twins—she couldn’t tell them apart—ran to greet her. You can repeat the process to insert two of them together in a single Em Dash is not as long as you want. documentclass[12pt]{article} usepackage[paperwidth=95mm,paperheight=55mm,margin=5mm,right=24mm,marginparsep=5mm]{geometry}. Christine Cloud, Producer. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. 数式モードで変数に ダッシュ を付けたいときは、「’」(シングルクォーテーション、シフトキーを押しながら6を押して入力される記号)を単純に入力すればよい。. TeX - LaTeX - Stack Exchange. You can then use new dashes to control breaking behaviour of words with dashes. In Russian typography the emdash, which is typed as the ligature ---in LaTeX, is 20% shorter than the standard emdash. The functions that need further, special attention are those for entries of type @book and @inbook, because they have to deal with both repeated author (s) and repeated editor (s). tftopl cmr10. En dash (–): Alt+0150. Example. The easiest way to insert an em dash in Scrivener for Mac is to hit the hyphen key twice, then either a character. hyphen. We can take an inspiration from cursors in text editors. While this approach may appear to "work", in the sense that Zotero now outputs something that is handled correctly by BibTeX and/or LaTeX, it doesn't address the issue of what do with non-ASCII characters such as ä, ö, é, and è if they occur in fields relevant for sorting. I'm writing a thesis in Lyx and I'm using the Courier font. It can either end or begin a line of text. iiiint. Below you can find badly and correctly typed samples using en dash (pol. I have the opposite problem. MatLab command. The OT1 table doesn't contain the pipe symbol, but it can be found in the T1 table. The elements within both environments have to be declared beginning with the item command. Some diacritical marks, such as the acute ( ´ ) and grave ( ` ), are often called accents. Logout. You can find the em dash in the symbol drop-down menu in Microsoft Word. It only takes a minute to sign up. Then you can just type the characters normally into your source file. E. The ‘obvious’ way to do this is probably to write A\,---\,B rather than A---B (no spaces) or A --- B (unfortunately large spaces). It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. it's in unicode at U+2259, so it's in the stix and xits fonts, perhaps with the name wedgeq. LaTeX. itemize egin {itemize} text to be listed end {itemize} enumerate egin {enumerate} text to be listed end {enumerate} description egin {description} text to be listed end {description}the first ^ has base l and exponent (and the second ^ has base / and exponent 2 I would guess that is not what you intend, but I can not guess what function you did intend – David CarlisleHTML/XML named entity: &ensp;, LaTeX: enspace (the LaTeX en space is a no-break space) em space:. That said, I'd like to echo @TorbjørnT. Graph but it does provide a component for rendering LaTeX expressions. S—— entered into. Three examples (all from the user guide of the amsmath package): Hyphens join two words into a single unit, as in an adjectival phrase (“better-than-average player”). Use em dash like you would a colon, or use in pairs like you would parentheses. It is a feature of the Chicago Manual of Style bibliography styles that they replace. LATEX provides us with commands that help us to list our items with ease. If you use the amsmath package, you could employ its obreakdash macro to insert a dash or en-dash after which no line break is allowed. By default, there are 3 listing environments in LaTeX. , ancillary glyphs added to a letter, or basic glyph. doncherry. 1 introduces U+2E3A (TWO-EM DASH) but that might be a bit new to be in commonly distributed fonts, I get no visible character in that slot). The. A “Em Dash” can be used when you are in a. 5. On its own the caption package only knows a handful of separators:. With mathpazo all characters are roughly at the same height, but the hyphen is still a tad thicker. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. According to the docs, Xaringan should. ge. If you’re operating on a Mac, the basic instructions for MS Word and Google Docs above should still apply — though you’ll have different keyboard shortcuts. Tip 2: Dashes in LaTeX. I don't know about latex. and the em-dash (—), which is the width of the letter "m". 9. So, the following will assign the class “green. In the bygone days of typewriters, the em dash was rendered as two hyphens (--), but today modern word processing packages offer a genuine em dash in their special character. 2. Here I define a longdash command, by default it's (slightly less) than an em-dash; it has an optional argument: longdash[4] is (slightly less than). Type two hyphens with no space between them like–this. You can purchase a license here: Buy Detexify for Mac. Logout. In the native Mac word processor, Text Edit, you’ll have access to the. Dashes are used to separate two words into statements. ­LaTeX Code emdash: Copy and Paste Em Dash Sign:. (Em-dashes are recommended for open ranges e. Memoirs of Louis XIV. \iiint. On the keyboard. TeX 中,由于历史原因,em dash 不能直接输入(ASCII 没有为其分配码位),取而代之是用---输入。 在中西文混排的环境里,直接输入的 U+2014 会被 xeCJK 解释为中文破折号(的一半)并使用中文字体显示,而使用 --- 输入的仍然会被作为 em dash 并使用西文字体输出。Here's an example for binding the control sequence dash to the input character "—"; i. extnonbreakinghyphen ¶ Non-breaking hyphen character, Unicode U+2011. I want to represent, say, the closure of a set or the extended reals, e. There should be no space between the en dash and the adjacent material. can you show an actual example where two papers by the same two authors have the second listed with two 3-em dashes? (in math, only a single 3-em dash would be used, indicating repetition of the exact same author "list"; if the first author is the same, but the second author different on two successive papers, the first author's name would be. tex), which allows to do conversions in a purely expandable way. I have actually not found any code point in Unicode for the shorter em-dash, so I would guess the shorter em-dash—if at all present in a given font—would reside within the Private Use Area (PUA), so additionally, this would become very font-dependent. You need to use the ge command to print the greater than or equal to symbol in a latex document, you can also use another default command geq. What I don't think is desired is to permit a line break immediately before an em-dash. 如果整个单词都丢失了,2-em dash 的左右两侧都应留出空格,如果只有一部分丢失,那么在 2-em dash. When I add --input-encoding=utf-8 --output-encoding=utf-8 (that's the default output encoding, I think) to my docutils command-line, I see boxes in my browser where the em-dashes should be. em-dash. And if you don’t enclose the characters in curly brackets then the first character will be valid as a. To typeset an em-dash in Latex, use triple hyphens: ‘-‏-‏-’: A comment---like this---uses an em-dash, not a hyphen. cap. exe engine whereas lualatex. There is a difference between -- and \-- as well as --- and \---. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. The en dash is most frequently used to connect numbered ranges, like dates and scores. densely dashed and loosely dotted. 54. In Polish typography dash (pol. 7. – becomes en-dash –. I have many dashes like this — in the text but in the PDF all I get is two small dashes like this --. Logout. The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. h1 = text(2,4,['Test' char(8211) 'example']); % This will draw an em dash . The ar and overline commands. The largest dash is the "punctuation dash", and you use three consecutive dashes to create it, something like this: "He came in the room ---. Load the babel package and use \allowhyphens---. . Examples: Please call my lawyer—Richard Smith—on Tuesday. Each of these have denser and looser variants, e. In every page title on tex. Diacritical marks may appear above, below, or within a letter, or between two letters. a dated 29 August 2015). This doesn’t work add LaTeX support to dcc. The babel package for Cyrillic defines the command "= which should be used instead of dash: so you can write по"=своєму and it will correctly hyphenate that word. The trouble is the em-dash, which I can’t set in the listings environment. However, I want to use these glyphs in my Unicode setup, and trying it as follows: However, I want to use these glyphs in my Unicode setup, and trying it as follows: 3. Mind that the <pre> bits will show up as-is if you use Zotero for non-BibTeX (ie Word) citations. pauza). I would like to use semantic line breaks in my document's source code, but I'm not sure what to do with em dashes: ---. @Francesco -- looking at the bit out output you show, even if the em dash goes to a new line, the line ending with "proliferation" will be overfull, so it would probably be better to allow hyphenation within that word. Another beautiful dash defined as a symbol. If you are using a typewriter, a pair of hyphens is the closest you can get to an em dash. Jaraqui. If you had not used French,. , and of the Regency. There are four types of dashes used in writing: - Hyphen: joins two separate words into a single concept. Em-dashes An em-dash is a punctuation mark. Few keyboards have a dash, but a word processor can usually produce one in one way or another. documentclass {article} egin {document} $ age 5 $ [6pt] If $ x_1ge x_2 $ then, [6pt] % Use geq command $ mgeq -4 $ m is gerater than or equal. 11–25. {accents} is about diacritics, i. For using Hyphen(-), En-dash(–), and Em-dash(—) symbols in documents, LaTeX provides you with some default commands by which you can use these symbols wherever you need them. There is also the param escapeMapFn to modify the mapping of escaped characters, so you can add/modify/remove your own escapes if necessary. You don’t need to use any package for. One normally uses en-dashes when specifying a range of numbers. Typing the En Dash and Em Dash. You can use opt-hyphen and opt-shift-hyphen to create an em- or en-dash whenever you want. a^prime → aʹ. The en dash is approximately the length of the letter N, and the em dash the length of the letter M. For using Hyphen(-), En-dash(–), and Em-dash(—) symbols in documents, LaTeX provides you with some default commands by which you can use these symbols wherever you need them. The missing one in that sequence, 2011, isn’t represented in the ‘standard’ or ‘normal’ font set, for that code, as far as. — –. In LaTeX you can get a longer hyphen by using two or three dashes, i. The following code examples show how to use the most common types of lists you’re going to use in your document. Latexhelp. I Think that unicode has added separate characters. The template uses Arial as font. If you want to use the ligatures --and ---with standard unicode fonts, use: 1 Answer. I am typesetting a book in Russian language and I noticed that, in some cases, an overfull box appears which cannot be solved via manual \hyphenation or \linebreak or even \emergencystretch, because an em-dash is causing it. (Pedantic note: this happens only if the hyphenchar parameter for the current font is the hyphen. Create a 3-em dash by entering the em dash three times or six hyphens. 1. テクノロジー. Skip to content. 2. --old-dashes Selects the pandoc <= 1. These can be inserted using -, -- and ---. And mathematically, similar to (~) symbol is denoted by this symbol. LaTeX distinguishes three different types of dashes in text: the hyphen -, the en dash - and the em dash —. Behavior as with extfiguredash above; the pdfTeX approximation is an em-dash. The character repertoire had to be kept small, so several characters such as hyphen, en dash, em dash, and minus sign were lumped together. Postby victorclaessen » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:41 pm. I know that the mono spaced fonts are not designed for this but it would be a nice addition. An online LaTeX editor that’s easy to use. . ] For example, the Canadian The Elements of Typographic Style recommends the spaced en dash – like so – and argues that the length and visual magnitude of an em. According to MS Word, 2210 is a hyphen, 2012 is a dash, 2013 is an en dash, 2014 is em dash. The em-dash (—) The em-dash is normally twice as long as the n-dash; its length is equal to the width of the letter m, whence the name. Second Best Option: Use the Symbols Section on Word or WordPress. Save your file as UTF-8 and put. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ vec {p} ] end {document} Output :An em-dash is typically used as a stand-in for a comma or parenthesis to separate out phrases—or even just a word—in a sentence for various reasons (e. To get an em-dash, you can either add an ERT and type ---, or go to Insert --> Special character --> Symbols, and find the em dash under General punctuation. Logout. In Word, you’ll hold down Shift+ Option+minus rather than the Ctrl+Alt+minus mentioned above. 双重和三重的 em dash 相对少见,但也是正规的标点符号,可以介绍一下。. A dash is a longer line—double the length of a hyphen—which indicates a break or an interruption in the thought. Well—yes. em dash: —. Skip to content. However in practice it's just substituted with three hyphens. 通常英文寫作的 Dash 指的就是 Em Dash,也就是中文的「破折號」:連結不同句子,而 Hyphen (連字號) 則是用來連結單字,它們的規模不同。連接號英文是 En Dash,用來代替 to 這個介系詞,最常看到用來連結數字,像是履歷表的工作時間。 A hyphen is usually very short (it has its own Unicode character, but you can use the hyphen-minus instead because it looks the same), a minus is of the same width as the decimal digits (and is sometimes a little bit higher than the others), an en-dash takes approximately the width of the letter “N” or “n”, and an em-dash takes. The functions that need further, special attention are those for entries of type @book and @inbook, because they have to deal with both repeated author (s) and repeated editor (s). Figure dashes are one en in width, with the vertical position of the visible element is designed to match the numerals in the font. \documentclass {article} \begin {document} Hello world! \end {document} will produce exactly the same output with PDFLaTeX or XeLaTeX, because only ASCII characters appear. dashleftarrow → ⇠. LaTeX has defined two commands that can be used anywhere in documents (not just maths) to insert some horizontal space. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. It is wider than an en dash (–) or a hyphen (-). Praesent pretium dapibus est interdum hendrerit. 56. Manuel Kühner asked why the position is important for me. From version 2. what imakeidx does create is an . Typing “---” prints just three hyphens, \emdash{} doesn’t print anything at all, escaping the listings environment does print the em-dash, but it creates trouble with the string formatting: The space characters are. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. MWE: documentclass{article} usepackage{fontspec} setmainfont{Linux. e. 6. tom-a-horrocks on Apr 4, 2018. When it pops up, click the symbols button, which looks like a capital omega on Windows 10 and four small squiggly characters on Windows 11. From a graphic design perspective, I think it looks better, just in case different dashes occur on the same line. I don't think the idea about creating a package for nonbreaking hyphens/dashes or "no-line-breaking" after them is so uncommon though. In the example the parbox is just to force LaTeX to break as much as possible. There is also dash-katex, an alternative LaTeX renderer in Dash. The \defaultfontfeatures {Ligatures=TeX} command takes care of this as well. Remember to remove the spaces afterwards if you use this. It’s not interchangeable with other types of dashes. Skip to content. like this a^ {mn}. I would be grateful for any suggestions. We love good questions. \lambda x. For example. In a Microsoft Word document, choose Insert in the Menu bar. In doing so, the em dash acts similarly to commas, semicolons, colons, and parentheses. sentence-per-line, no em-dash spaces: The food---which was delicious---reminded me of home. lambda x. ちなみに,これは y' や y^ {prime} のように記述します。. You can add in attributes to elements using css comments. (If you do, up vote that answer. Graph but it does provide a component for rendering LaTeX expressions. To modify the book function, search for the following lines of code:Typing the En Dash and Em Dash. Alternatively there is also a vert command, which is probably a bit more semantic, but is actually just a synonym. For even finer control over list environments you can also check out enumitem. The name of the character came into English from Spanish, which in turn came from the Latin titulus, meaning "title" or "superscription". It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. A hyphen is a short, single-character line which connects word parts (i. Corrected LaTeX em-dashes (from 4 to 3). Use an en dash to indicate a range, for example ‘rows 1–10’. The original text has nothing to do with LaTeX and therefore --and ---are needed to be written as they are, as opposed to being converted to en and em dashes. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. An em-dash (or an en‐dash with spaces) is used to indicate a parenthetical clause/phrase (which, if removed does not interrupt the sentence), this is written in TeX by three consecutive hyphens, ---or extemdash. org. In proper typesetting, these should be dashes, either En Dashes (U+02013) "–" or Em Dashes (U+02014) "—". You don’t need to use any package for this. The en dash is the width of an uppercase N — half the size of the em dash. So you need to use the extunderscore command to print this or you can use \_ this too. Logoutautomatic formating - dashes. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ 1 = lambda f.